Acupuncture For Your Cat Or Dog

acupuncture for dogs and cats at sugar river animal hospital, grantham, New hampshire

Acupuncture for your Pet

Veterinary acupuncture is a unique form of integrated medicine offered at Sugar River Animal Hospital in Grantham, New Hampshire. We often recommend acupuncture for pets who are experiencing pain or who need another option because traditional methods are not effective for them. While acupuncture is most frequently used on pets, who are suffering from arthritis. Examples of other conditions that it may be used for include dermatologic conditions, behavioral issues, and seizures.

At Sugar River Animal Hospital, we recommend a blended approach to holistic medicine, which means we offer it as a support to traditional medicine, not as a replacement.

Our Veterinary Qualifications

At the Chi Institute, Dr. MacLean became well versed and trained in acupuncture medicine. She enjoys using this holistic approach to help her patients feel comfortable and at-ease, despite the pain they may be experiencing.

What Our Clients Are Saying About Dog and Cat Acupuncture

acupuncture for cats at sugar river animal hospital, Grantham, New HampshireSadie Mae is a cat who suffers from seizures. Her owners opted not to do seizure medication and wanted to try pet acupuncture first. Her regular veterinarian referred her to us. We completed several treatments over the course of three weeks and successfully decreased her seizures! She can usually go about 6 months between episodes, and then she comes back to us for another round of treatments. This alternative modality has been extremely helpful for Sadie Mae and her family!