Welcome to Sugar River Animal Hospital!

We are a privately owned AAHA accredited practice serving Grantham, NH.

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We are a Cat Friendly Hospital

We believe in treating our patients like they are our family pets.

About Us

We Are Accepting New Patients!

We Treat Your Pets Like Family.

Want To Share Your Favorite Pet Photos With Us? We Are Collecting Pet Photos To Use In Our Social Media Posts.

Please Email Them To Us At [email protected]

**Note** Not All Photos Will Be Used Or Not Used Right Away.

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Welcome To Our Practice!

We look forward to serving you and your pet with the best possible veterinary care. We utilize the most current standards of care, and we specialize in providing comprehensive wellness care to keep your pet healthy now and in the future.

Sugar River Animal Hospital became the first American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) accredited practice in the Upper Valley in 2015. In order to become an AAHA accredited practice, Sugar River Animal Hospital has to meet over 900 standards of care and have to be re-accredited every three years. Only about 15% of veterinary practices in North America are accredited.

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Sugar River Animal Hospital
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We are a Cat Friendly Practice!

Sugar River Animal Hospital is also the only Feline Friendly Accredited practice in the Upper Valley. Again, certain standards were met based on the Feline Veterinary Medical Association guidelines to help make visits less stressful for cats when they come to Sugar River Animal Hospital.

Some of the things that Sugar River Animal Hospital does to make feline visits less stressful are having a cat only exam room, cat only waiting area, cat only hospital ward, and special handling techniques.

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Scheduling an Appointment

We try to make scheduling a veterinary clinic appointment as convenient as possible for you. There are several ways to easily schedule an appointment for your pet to be seen at our veterinary clinic:

  1. online request form
  2. Call Us: (603) 287-1181
  3. View Map & Directions

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